Who We Are
Who We Are
Welcome To World Harvest
World Harvest is a non-profit organization founded by Dr. Jimmy Oentoro. Through its three pillars; education, community, and media services.

For more than three decades, World Harvest has committed to making changes by providing opportunities for underprivileged & underserved children, families and communities to be able to build a better life, a life that has become their dream.
World Harvest truly believe that this change can only occur if we, together, give opportunities to the seeds of goodness to be sown, flourish and produce fruit that can be enjoyed by those in need. And we are sure that not a single seed is wasted if it is sown with sincerity. Because every goodness will take us one step closer to change.
World Harvest will continue to strive to be able to reach more underprivileged & underserved children, families and communities to 'Living the Dream'.
You can change someone's life today! It's all start from us.
Dr. Jimmy Oentoro
Founder & Chairman of World Harvest Indonesia
Vision And Mission
Our Vision and Mission
World Harvest has a vision and mission for the community.
Make An Impact On The World Through Community Service Education And The Media.
Transforming Communities Cities And Nations
Our Values
World Harvest has values to bring change for the better
One Purpose
We work to share God's love through world mission

We honor traditional values such as family values, unity and excellence

We provide easy access for you to network with us

We were born in Indonesia. Green is the color of our land.