
World Harvest cares about Community development, especially those in the community, therefore we created a Microfinance program, namely a soft loan facility provided by World Harvest to the community in its fostered community in the form of additional business capital to increase productivity and results from its business.

Prospective borrowers must have a source of income to guarantee loan repayments so that the microfinance program can be sustainable.

Loans are given in cash with an affordable interest rate of 2% of the loan amount that is paid every month to be able to help more members in the community

Mrs. Rahayu

Mrs. Rahayu or commonly called Ayu is the mother of one of the foster children fostered by World Harvest named Arif, who is currently studying at Wahana Harapan Tegal Angus Junior High School.

Ibu Ayu has been working as a housewife while her husband, Arif, trades children's toys by traveling around elementary schools around the Teluk Naga sub-district/village, Tangerang, Banten.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Indonesia and caused schools throughout Indonesia to be closed, Mr Arif could no longer sell, while every month he needed money to pay for rented houses, school fees, and also daily needs such as eating and drinking.

Therefore, Mrs. Ayu took the initiative to help the household economy, by selling various fried foods in front of private schools in the Tegal Angus area, Tangerang, Banten in the morning and in the afternoon, Mrs. Ayu walked around the Tegal Angus area selling her various fried foods. And unfortunately, after only a few months of selling, Ibu Ayu had to accept the fact that some of her trading equipment (stoves and gas cylinders) were stolen by irresponsible people.

Because there was not much money, and previously used secondhand goods to sell her fried foods, Ibu Ayu therefore applied for a loan to World Harvest to buy selling equipment, and World Harvest also helped Ibu Ayu by providing a new wheelbarrow and equipment.

Ayu's mother feels grateful, in the midst of her despair she never stops selling, even though at this time she only sells around using simple tools because her trading equipment is stolen and Ayu's mother is again excited and starts dreaming big so that she can send her children to university and make a living His family is better than now. And Ibu Ayu expressed her gratitude for the help of donors who have helped to realize the dream of her little family.

Ministry Content - 22 - World Harvest - Impacting the World Through Creative Community, Education and Media Services

Mrs Suparti

Mr. Rudi Iskandar works in a factory in Tangerang. He lives happily with Suparti's wife and 4 children, namely Imelda, Charlie, Chesylia, Claudia. When the COVID-19 Pandemic began to enter Indonesia, Mr. Rudi began to get the impact of the pandemic because his monthly salary was cut by the company.

With these conditions, Mr. Rudi and Mrs. Suparti remained grateful for what they received and finally in the middle of 2020 Mr. Rudi was laid off from his company.

Mrs. Suparti as Mr. Rudi's life partner felt sorry for the burden that her husband had to carry, and with sufficient savings she decided to rent a plot of land on the Tegal Angus Tangerang highway and sell clothes and soft drinks in order to help her husband to pay for his household needs. such as eating, paying for electricity, water and also school fees for her 3 children.

After hearing from a community partner of Tegal Angus, that World Harvest provided loan assistance to members of their community, Mrs. Suparti also applied for a loan for the microfinance program, which aims to enable her and her husband to increase the variety of the goods they sell, such as increasing the stock of clothes and drinks for sale.

Mrs. Suparti is grateful to be able to get to know World Harvest. Apart from getting educational assistance for her son named Charlie, Mrs. Ayu also gets soft loan assistance which she will use to expand her business, so that her children can go to school well and can also cover their daily household needs.

Ministry Content - 24 - World Harvest - Impacting the World Through Creative Community, Education and Media Services

Our Ministry

Community Development

Through community development programs, we help underprivileged communities by providing free lunches (Feeding Centers) to hundreds of children per day. We also provide Health Programs, community outreach and Home Differences for underprivileged families. In addition, we also provide Disaster Relief Assistance (Disaster Relief), and take part in providing Covid-19 Care assistance to various Health Service locations in the JABODETABEK area, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua islands.


IMPACTOUR Let's join ImpacTour Community to Tegal Angus Village, Tangerang IMPACTour by World Harvest is an opportunity for you to experience volunteering in various humanitarian missions in the c... Read More

Wahana Harapan Tegal Angus

Wahana Harapan Tegal Angus School was founded in 2013 in the village of Tegal Angus, located in Teluknaga sub-district, Tangerang Regency, Banten, Indonesia. The majority religions in the Tegal Ang... Read More

Disaster Relief

WorldHarvest collaborates with World Teach Indonesia, through a project "Peduli Banjir NTT", is committed to providing assistance to communities affected by floods in Kupang and Waingapu (East Su... Read More